Yla pil
NFT - Christmas tree: artists to artists
Charity project
Why did I decide to take part in this project?
For me, the New Year is a special magical time.
Completion time and start time.
I also really like to do gifts, and if a gift will bring such great benefit to many people, it is triple pleasant!

The charity has long been a place in my life. I help greening the planet, animals, injured at the hands of people.

For me, the contribution to education is new and unknown.
I really want to help the young generation to realize themselves in the field of art.

And to be the first in this kind of project is also very noble!
The largest project in the history of NFT art.
The Christmas tree, created by Nikas Safronov, is decorated with toys. Each toy is a separate art object, which is an integral part of a single global object for sale.

All funds received from the sale of a unique art object will be used to support young artists from the Rostov Art School named after M. B. Grekov, who are just beginning their career in creativity.
Project participant diploma
A painting that participates in a charity project.
The painting attracts attention and makes you study it, consider it and fly away somewhere into the distance.

With each new immersion in work, I seem to come into contact with something very ancient and inexplicable. This attracts and pulls along, and I want to create more and more details and emotions.
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